Tai Chi is a combination of gentle movements and meditation, slow breathing and balanced postures. It is non-impact and suitable for all levels of fitness and health, gently working the whole body.
Tai Chi can create enhanced physical, mental and emotional well-being and practitioners can feel immediate health benefits. On a physical level the body becomes suppler, increasing the range of movements, improving co-ordination, promoting good posture and balance; mentally it can help to improve concentration, clearing and focusing the mind; and emotionally it helps us to become calmer, relaxed and with a more positive outlook on life.
Tai Chi at Snowshill Manor will be a fabulous combination of gentle movement combined with a stunning location amongst the springtime blossom – your perfect opportunity to surround and immerse yourself in nature whilst increasing your health and wellbeing.

Please book via the ‘Events’ section on the Snowshill manor and Garden website.