Rebecca Tope is a British crime writer and journalist. She admits to “blundering accidentally into writing crime fiction, and still wonders how it happened.” Fortunately for fans of Rebecca’s writing, there are around 30 novels to choose from.

She is the author of three murder mystery series, featuring the fictional characters of Den Cooper, a Devon police detective; Drew Slocombe, a former nurse, now an undertaker; Thea Osborne, a house sitter in the Cotswolds; and Persimmon Brown, a florist in the Lake District. She is also ghostwriter of the novels based on the ITV series Rosemary and Thyme. If Rebecca hadn’t accidentally blundered into crime writing, she admits that she could have found herself writing historical, or sagas, or even non-fiction. She is currently trying her hand at two of those, and has large plans for a series of memoirs.

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